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How to Prepare Children for Daycare

How to Prepare Children for Daycare

Starting daycare is a milestone for any child. This is mainly because your toddler still retains baby-like qualities, is still developing their attention span, are under constant supervision, and, most importantly may experience separation anxiety.

Finding Daycare

One can do this by simply searching for “daycare near me.”

Visit the Daycare Centre

To ease the process, give the daycare a visit before your toddler’s first day at daycare. Through this, you will be familiar with the environment your child will get to spend the year.

What else you can do is, take photos of the route and the whole of the daycare. Compile the images and give your child a walkthrough of the daycare to prepare them mentally before the first day.

At Mighty Oaks Nursery, the team onboard has a collective experience of over 25 years. The nursery’s ethos revolved around providing the children with extreme care and support in a nurtured environment. The team of highly qualified and professional staff ensures that every child is met with utmost care and encouragement so that each individual grows up to their full potential at their own learning pace.

Establish A Morning Routine

Establishing a morning routine will ease your toddler’s anxiety since they love repetition and predictability. They will feel in control and know what to expect before going to the daycare centre.

Offer A Comfort Item

One of the best ways to keep your child soothed all day in the childcare centre is to provide something that reminds them of home. This can be a stuffed toy, loveys or a picture of you. The comfort item also boosts emotional intelligence.

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